Tag Archives: madrassa

Poverty, Education & Missed Opportunities – July 17, 2014

Poverty in Pakistan is rampant and is a major reason for the rates of low literacy found throughout our great country. When we allow our national system of education to fail, we turn to locally run madrassas. Madrassas are often locally funded yet not fully equipped with faculty or substantial academic curricula. Madrassas might fulfill the inherent local need for education even while their influence is not academic. Madrassas of academic profession diverges with local mullahs. The community remains divided and progress is suspended causing intellectual conflicts between local clerics, national school administration and NGO volunteers (Sadaqat, 2012). UNESCO reports that our literacy rates are rising but very slowly. We need to insure that each child gets a comprehensive education that can contribute to our economy.

Competition and productivity mark the economic progress of a country. More opportunities must be produced to bring together the nation of Pakistan and one of these opportunities can be seen through having English and Urdu being taught in schools.

There is also a great need for local teachers who understand the local customs and culture of the communities where they teach. In some places of Pakistan, teachers from other areas assist a school but teach in English where before classes were taught in a language other than English or Urdu. Unable to interest the students with how they teach, these teachers often forsake the classroom and leave the school.

Learning to speak two dialects will help bring the nation closer in unity as an Urdu speaking nation and learning English as a second language makes it possible for students to attend universities around the world where English is understood if not placed as their number one language.